Thursday, November 17, 2011

Sustainability Progress Reflection 1

"He who fails to plan, plans to fail."

During the lessons, we started transcribing our planning to a formal document. Miss Gita suggested a deadline of 3 weeks, but my target is to finish it within 2 weeks. However, in hindsight, it might take longer because with the exception of myself everyone else in the group has and will have time constraints this week. Mia was absent on Tuesday and Jia Yi and Wen Wen will be in Langkawi tomorrow. Anyway, since I distributed the writing of the plan to everyone, I asked them to at least spend some time reading what the others wrote and determining if they agree or not. We will then discuss it. Theoretically, by Monday afternoon, we will have an agreed and edited version of the plan (with the exception of the proposed time frame part).

In terms of research and information, I was the only one who completed the set homework (a preliminary research about solar panels in general). To compensate, everyone chose a specific type of photovoltaic cell to research for homework due on Monday. Meanwhile, I will be looking at the uses of photovoltaic panels in Malaysia. During our regular Wednesday lunch time meeting, we also decided that we would send out a survey about Nexus as a green school by next week. I hope that with schedules back to normal next week, our collaboration will be more productive.

"Individually, we are one drop. Together, we are an ocean." - Ryunosuke Satoro

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